Assessment and Reporting is a very important aspect of our communication between the school, the students and the parents. Three face-to-face parent teacher interviews are scheduled each year as well as two written school reports.
At St Francis of Assisi Primary School in terms one, two and three, we hold a parent teacher interview. This is an opportunity to discuss how your child is settling in to school and share learning goals.
Towards the end of Term Two student progress reports are written by teachers and sent home to parents. A second parent-teacher interview will be scheduled which is an opportunity for parents to discuss the school report with the classroom teacher.
In Third Term parents meet again with the classroom teacher, to discuss learning goals for the remainder of the year and receive feedback on their child’s learning.
At the end of Fourth Term the Second Semester Report will be sent home for all students. This gives a detailed outline of the skills students have gained through the year and is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum.
Teachers are available to discuss with parents on the phone, by email and face-to-face at any time if they have concerns regarding their child.